Rock Music on Ridge
Rock music comes in many forms and we like to think we cover them all, if it is the type of music that moves you here are some shows to listen to.
Matt (Munky) Graves Metal Madhouse
Tune in to Matt (Munky) Graves for some hard rock and heavy metal mayhem on Mondays 9:00pm to 11:00pm!
For awesome rock and metal bands material from the many talented local bands as well sharing and promote these amazing musicians.
The Whitehorse Cleaning Show
Philip Murphy entertains us with 2 hours of music with a rock feel, including interviews and fun conversations.
The PR Rock Show
Here is a rock music show presented by Peter Rubin on Friday afternoons 1:00pm to 3:00pm featuring a mixture of classic rock and new artists.
Peter comes to us having worked on various pirate radio stations throughout the years including Radio Caroline and Pipeline Radio.
Mark Keegan’s Sunday Best
At 6:00pm Mark’s Sunday show starts the evening with music and humour, he is our actor so be gentle with him.